Ya Allah! give patience to our brothers and sisters in Iraq, Palestina and all over the world
Don't let them stand out there in the cold
Ya Allah! give them warmth and love
and send them Your blessings from above
Ya Allah! make them strong
and punish the ones who are doing them wrong
Ya Allah! Take care of our sisters and brothers
of all those lost children and their mothers
Ya Allah! Take care of the orphans too
all they've got Ya Allah is YOU.....
Ya Allah! Hear my words
and spread peace all over the world
Ya Allah! Make the Muslim Ummah strong
make us as one
Forgive us for being and doing wrong
Ya Allah! Forgive us our sins
give us the strength to resist shaitaan and help us be good Muslims
Ya Allah! Guide us with Your light
trough every day and night
Allahoe Akbar! Allahoe Akbar!
La Illaha Illalaah |